Nonton Sin of Flirtation

Nonton Film Semi Sin of Flirtation

Hong Kong, China - Yuen Shang is trying to kill tough guy Ting Sai Hung because he killed her father But Yuen 8217 s attempt is foiled by recently reincarnated Shum Key Ting then hires Key as a bodyguard but Key 8217 s entry to the Ting household causes problems Ting 8217 s daughter Carrie is mad about Key but Key is hot for Ting 8217 s pretty wife Cindy And Horse one of Ting 8217 s henchman spends lots of time trying to get on with Carrie and repel Key Inbetween all this Ting finds a nightclub dancer who 8220 drives his dicky wild 8221 Tong Yan He invites Tong to be his concubine not knowing she is Yuen Shang 8217 s cousin and bent on helping to bump off Ting